Safe operation
Intrinsically safe from meltdown
Radioactivity largely confined in melt – low vapor pressure
Minimum fissile inventory
Fast boron injection available
Minimum excess reactivity and rest heat in accidented core
Completely remote monitor and control
Eventually fuelled for life without any further need of human intervention
Non-operational crystallized salt melt stable for years before site decommisson
All nuclear grade work orders can be handled by expert during maintenance inspections
Simple procedures to confine small quantities of poisonous flourides and fission products
Start charge and uranium233 dissolved in cubic meters of 450- 700degC salt melt
Uranium233 recognized as unsuitable as weapons material because of decay heat and intense gamma radiation
Time window for freshly bred uranium233 as terrorist weapons material can be further mitigated by ionium doping or uranium238 denaturing
Fast denaturation injection available
Low thermal neutron flux out of core for un-authorized parasite breeding
Dirty nuclear or chemical bomb ineffective
Minimal environmental footprint
Absolute minimum of nuclear waste
Waste handling dimensioned for the short lived Fission Products, the fissioned component
Only negligible levels of High Level Waste, the unfissioned component
No need for large cooling water reservoirs
Absolutely no CO2
Minimum inventory of poisonous chemicals
Minimum need for special steel, concrete, processing acids, fluorine, light elements